Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Guns and snow

About five feet of snow has fallen so far this winter around here. It seems like a lot, but nothing can prevent the vicissitudes of mother nature. Our second major snow fall is winding down with blustery winds, and about 2 feet od snow overall. The snow is beautiful but could be dangerous if a person combines that with a trip to the store, as one exercises a privilege to drive.
As for guns, I do not think that tragedies associated with guns only happen at a distance from these hills. Several times in my lifetime around here, I have been touched by gun violence, at Chatham High and at Simon's Rock to name two.
I have heard much about second amendment rights. I wonder if it is not time to look at the second amendment and repeal it. It is outdated. We have changed the Constitution many times to allow for the direct election of senators, ensure equal rights for all, provide for income tax to be assessed, limit the terms of our presidents, allow for succession in the event of the medical incapacity of a president, and many others. There have been proposals to amend the constitution to prohibit flag burning and gay marriage and other things.
It seems to me that the Constitution deals with God-given rights, which come to us with birth, and provisions for governance.
The second amendment is an aberration, suited to a particular time period after the war of revolution. It has no relevance in today's society. Repeal it.   The feds can then regulate what is necessary to secure the overall public safety. Further gun regulation would then become within the power of the states as a power not assigned to the federal government. Treat gun ownership as a privilege, as we do driving (in the snow?).
I have not fully worked this through, but why not look at this

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