Today was the day to check out the progress of spring. A windswept partially cloudy sky that let in a lot of sunshine brought the temperature to nearly fifty degrees, if you walked south, and probably about 35 windy degrees as you walked north. The neighborhood was busier than usual: a father and his son splitting wood in the field behind the post office; a mother and two of her children collecting sap from the maple trees, and generally a softening of everything as the snow melted gently onto the back roads. There are little red buds on some of the smaller tree and bushes, and the birds seem more active. The firehouse marquee reminded all to turn their clocks ahead next week, and more importantly, change the batteries in your smoke detectors. Spring is making inroads all over the place.
My spring this year will see Phyllis smiling face monitoring the bird feeders, the spring planting, the early mowing. She will see the plants sent to her in rehab gently placed into the earth for rebirth another year. I think this part of spring will occur before the calendar spring, and certainly before the snow is gone.
Phyllis is making great progress. Rehab has been as good as it gets. Come on spring! We need your brightness, sunshine, and lullabies.
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